Friday, September 18, 2009

And by "right turn," I mean...

You made my right turn impossible - w4m - 35

Me: Grey Honda Civic in the right turning lane at the corner of Old Apex & Maynard.
You: White landscaping truck in the middle lane going straight.

While I appreciate the fact that you kept inching your truck forward so you and your pals could gawk at me, you began to inch into the intersection, blocking my view of the cars coming from the other direction, thus, making my turn impossible. Next time you want to check some woman out.....don't fuck with her turn. You'll have a much better chance of a hook up if you don't make her want to go after you with a crowbar. Oh, and when you yell lewd things at me from your window....please do so in English. Jackoffs.

I guess she's just still stuck at that turn, posting ads to Craigslist from her phone.

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