Monday, February 25, 2008

"craiglistian", indeed.

Terminology is not the only curious thing about this post.

waitresses at chili's - m4w


on sunday me and a classmate had an early lunch at this Chili's of on glenwood near a taco bell, and first we where greeted by this tiny little woman who was cute as hell, Our waitress had a nice big ass, but there was one (if you read this you know who you are)with dark hair pulled up, slightly slanted eyes, and the most profound round bottom I have every seen on a white girl. I really don't think you where 100% white either. I had on a blue oxford, jeans, sperrys, close cut with outlined beard. when you where waiting to ring up an order i could stop staring at you(not your ass) hoping to make eye contact but it seemed like you tried your best not to look my way. besides that I would like to know if your brain is as big as your bottom.

hope you see this, you looked like a craiglistian. lol

1 comment:

joshua said...

"outlined beard" paints a pretty vivid picture of the sort of person we're dealing with here